
Featured Designer: Måns Grebäck

Måns Grebäck sets the bar for what it means to be an independent type designer. With over a 100 millions downloads, his work is art in the form of letters. You have seen his fonts everywhere, used by companies like Disney, Sony, McDonald’s, L’Oréal and many, many more. When not making fonts, Måns also enjoys… Continue Reading ›


Launching A Dream

Brittney never checks her email. Like … ever. Most of the time she has several message notifications in her Facebook account. Texts… nope! Just talking to people in general terrifies her. Continue Reading ›

Font Pairing Guide 1

Font Pairing Guide | Font Families

Our Font Pairing Guides are here to help you quickly find a few suggestions of fonts to pair, while at the same time trying to help you understand the reason they might work together, so that in the future you can find pairs on your own. Font families can be a subtle way to accent… Continue Reading ›

Installing Fonts On Windows 10

Installing Fonts on Windows 10

Installing Fonts on Windows 10 The moment I discovered there were fonts that existed outside of what just comes on your computer was an almost spiritual moment for me. At some point when we are more comfortable with one another, I will share with you how I used Papyrus on my wedding invitations, because that… Continue Reading ›

The Queen of Handwritten Fonts

Kimberly Geswein: The Queen of Handwritten Fonts

Kimberly Geswein (also known as KG fonts) is the Queen of handwritten fonts. You have seen her work on … everything. From Skittles to Ariana Grande’s “My Everything”, her work has become iconic and inspiring to those of us in the font design community. More than just her work, Kimberly as a person is inspirational.… Continue Reading ›

Understanding Font Licensing

Understanding Font Licensing

Understanding Font Licensing As an imperfect summary, Font Licensing is broken down to where the font is installed/located at. If it is installed/located in multiple places, you will most likely need multiple licenses. **It is sometimes helpful (but not always) to think of font licensing as similar to software licensing.** Donation Based Some designers just… Continue Reading ›