Font Spotting and User Submitted Work

Font Spotting
As designers, it’s always a pleasure to see our work “In The Wild”–on billboards, menus, t-shirts, and all kinds of other media. Fans “font spotting” on their own and sharing pictures by tagging us on Twitter, or just sending an email to show us what they found is always something fun and uplifting.
Share Your Work
In the same way, it’s a joy when users show us their personal projects on how they used our work for their classroom students or on a silly card for their grandmother’s birthday that they made on their own.
Along with it being fun for us as creators, it has been super useful for other graphic designers to find inspiration by seeing how the font might work on certain projects, and paired with other fonts.
Today we are introducing our “Font Spotting” functionality for User Submitted Photos. Users with an account will be able to upload images of how they used a particular font, or of things that they found using that font iIn the wild”.
How does it work?
Users will need to have an account before submitting their photos. This will allow you to track your downloads, favorite fonts, bookmark collections, and rate fonts as well. (Learn more about the benefits of user accounts)
After signing up for an account, navigate to the font you would like to share a picture of, and move down the page to find the “Share an Image” button.
This will bring up a popup window for you to upload your photo. You can also add a title and description for the photo.
Choose the image you would like to share from your computer.
Once you submit your photo, it will go into a queue for the font designer or a site admin to approve it before it shows up on the site.
Sign up for an account now, and show us the creative ways you are using fonts!!!
Have an image for a font not on MakersType?
Rules for Submitted Photos
Files must be less than 2MB
Images must be a minimum of 300 pixels wide
Images over 1500px wide will not be accepted
Files must be in a jpg or png format
All uploaded images must be SAFE FOR WORK
Phots that are deemed inappropriate may cause your account to be deleted. Read more on our Terms of Use Page.