Year: 2022

Missy Meyer Featured Regular

Featured Designer: Missy Meyer

I don’t know if we know anyone else quite like Missy… Typographer, romance novelist, comedian, graphic designer, avid Jeopardy enthusiast (and contestant), cat lady, gamer… the list could go on. Missy is so talented across a wide variety of art. She is one of those people that seem like she is good at everything she… Continue Reading ›

Font Spaceing Regular

Font Tips | Font Spacing: A Quick and Easy Guide

Over and over we see new designers struggle with Font Spacing. It’s common for someone to invest time in finding just the right font, but once they do, don’t spend much time tailoring that font to their design. Understanding all the options available in highly functional fonts will take your typography to the next level. However, the first adjustment can be done with any ttf or otf font available. Adjusting letter spacing in a project takes little time and can make a drastic impact on the readability and feel of the words in your project.  Continue Reading ›

MakersType Designer Community

MakersType Designer Community

History About 4 or 5 years ago I helped start a small group of designers who work together while remaining completely independent, which we now call the MakersType Designer Community. This has been a fantastic addition to our workflow and confidence. Having a group of people we can ask for help, bounce ideas off of,… Continue Reading ›